UPS Sales & Service Team Information for NRGship
The only UPS shipping solutions built for the Mac.

NRGship products are included as a TIP shipping solution within the UPS Technology Integration Plan (TIP). UPS inside sales reps and Account Executives in the field will receive TIP credit when their customers adopt NRGship as their shipping solution.
Salespeople also receive the CTP TIP bonus if CTP funds are used by the customer to purchase NRGship.
NRG is the only 3rd party shipping solution to be included in TIP and CTP.
No. They do not need an end of day, daily pickup report for the UPS driver to sign or scan when using NRGship for UPS shipping software.
For more information about this, view the related Customer FAQ.
Yes. NRG is the only complete shipping software available through the CTP program. Customers can use their CTP benefits thorugh NRG to pay for their software.
In addition, NRG can provide Mac Workstations, Zebra printers and Mettler Toledo Scales.
NRGship will provide 90% of WorldShip Shipping Functionality. Here is a short list of features and services not available.
- Freight (LTL or Ground Freight)
- Smart Pickup
- World Ease
- Hazardous Materials
UPS Ready + NRGship Training Video