Current NRGship solutions are compatible with FileMaker Cloud for AWS. (v1.18.1.209)

Use FileMaker Pro to upload the NRGship files to your AWS server using the Upload to Host menu option. Once the files are uploaded, you will need to open the databases for hosting with the Admin Console for FileMaker Cloud for AWS and assign an encryption password for each file. Be sure to note your encryption password for future reference as you will need it for updates to NRGship.

For security reasons, FileMaker Cloud for AWS does not support automatic login to a FileMaker Pro file using a specific account and password. Using FileMaker Pro v18 or above you can modify NRGship for easy integration with your existing database files by adding local user accounts or creating groups for external authentication.

Customers using NRG Ship Connect should email for upgrade information.

In this short video we walkthru the steps required to modify client authentication for use on AWS.

More information on upgrading NRGship for FileMaker can be found here.