NRG Provides PromoStandards Integration Services
For the past few years, NRG has been doing custom development for the promotional products industry using PromoStandards. As a Service Provider/Integrator Member, NRG has a deep understanding of PromoStandards. Companies that use PromoStandards enter a movement that’s bringing integration, automation, and efficiency to the supply chain.
Recently we participated in the PromoStandards Hack-A-Thon and worked with our group to write PHP code which reached out to PromoStandards Product and Configuration/Pricing endpoints to determine if contract pricing was correct. NRG staff is also excited to attend the 1st Annual PromoStandards Tech Summit in Tampa this February.
Another recent project that we completed is a web-based tool which syncs supplier inventory information against SKUs in an Airtable database. The sync process occurs nightly without user intervention. Optionally, staff can update on-demand and drill down to view specific supplier information.

By integrating PromoStandards with Claris FileMaker Pro solutions, businesses can take advantage of endpoints that simplify workflow like product pricing, order creation, order status and order shipment.
Order shipment information along with tracking can even be utilized for production scheduling so that you know when materials are delayed in transportation.

Contact us if you’d like to discuss PromoStandards integration!