The editorial staff from UPS Compass, the customer newsletter for UPS, interviewed Andy and I for a feature story in the winter online edition. The article featured a case study of KSK Design, one of our long time NRGship customers.
The editorial staff from UPS Compass, the customer newsletter for UPS, interviewed Andy and I for a feature story in the winter online edition. The article featured a case study of KSK Design, one of our long time NRGship customers.
Dear Sir,
is your program opensource,
can i edit it.
Majdi Alomari
No, because our solution is carrier-certified it’s not possible to release as open source. If you are using FileMaker Pro, it is possible to easily connect your existing order/invoices database to our database for simplified shipping without the need to export/import data. You essentially can have one-button shipping direct from your order entry or fulfillment screen.