With the release of Mac OS 10.5.2, there is now direct driver support for Zebra thermal printers. While Dymo printers are great for low-volume use, printers like the LP2844 are built for high-volume use. Learn more in this slideshow. View it BIG.
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I’ve heard good things about the Zebra printer
Very good to have Zebra support in 10.5.
Can this capability be transported to 10.4. In particular I need to print to a QL220 plus in 10.4.
You may want to take a look at the CUPS website for info on getting the drivers to load under 10.4. We tried it some time ago and couldn’t get it to work. I’m not familiar with the QL220 – the printer needs to be connected via USB port or serial. If it’s accessible via IP, you should be able to print to it direct thru custom EPL/ZPL coding.
Has anyone gotten a Zebra LP2844 to work with Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2 or higher when the Zebra is connected via a parallel-to-usb adapter?? We can get our Mac to see the printer, but it cannot print to it.
Woohoo this rocks! Zebra compatibility has been a pain in my arse on the Mac side for AGES. This is really helpful. Thanks again for the writeup.
I have one…..and lp2844 and it works in endicia and i have set it up as per your instructions and when i goto word and print all i get is a blank label.
Make sure you have the latest 10.5 updates. You also need to make sure it’s set for EPL language. Endicia and NRG solutions talk directly to the printer, bypassing the drivers all-together so that we can support OS versions other than 10.5
I know serial-USB adapters will work with Endicia, but I doubt the parallel adapter would work. Are you able to “add” the printer? if so, then you should be able to select the proper drive. If this printer came from UPS/FedEx, contact your rep and ask to have it swapped for a model that has a USB port.
10.6.2 and my Mac won’t even recognize the LP2844 using a Serial to USB cable. Can someone please send me advice?
For direct OS support the printer needs to be connected via USB without an adapter.
Thanks for the info.
This helps a lot.
Works great.