A great way to save on paper and reduce the risk of your international shipment getting held up at customs is to use the Paperless Invoicing feature provided by UPS. Paperless Invoicing is offered free to UPS customers and allows for an electronic transmission of customs documents. UPS claims that this reduces the likelihood of customs hold by 41 percent!

Some key features of the Paperless Invoice include:

  • Reduction of risk that the paperwork will be lost
  • Allows importers to keep customs values confidential
  • Reduces the reliance on paper, making the shipment more environmentally friendly

NRG has worked Paperless invoicing into our international shipping solutions.  This is just one of many ways we’ve made it easy for UPS shippers to make the switch to our solutions. If you’d like to learn more about Paperless Invoicing you can visit UPS.com and sign up!